RTI Listeners' Club Bangladesh

"A Bridge of Amity, Cordiality and Friendship"

Why RTI Listeners' Club in Bangladesh

Some Bangladeshi listeners of Radio Taiwan International established a Central Fans' and Fan Clubs platform in the year 2006 to set up 'A Bridge of Amity, Cordiality, and Friendship' between Bangladesh and Taiwan.

February 21, 2006, some dedicated RTI Fans met with the RTI Chairman under the leadership of Ashik Eqbal Tokon. After a fruitful discussion with RTI Chairman Mr. Feng Jeng Lin and Carlson Huang of RTI English service, the RTI Listeners' Club of Bangladesh was born as a Central Fans' Club in Bangladesh. Mr. Ashik was selected as the President of this Fans' Club.

25 February 2006, the Listeners club of Radio Taiwan International was born in Bangladesh and Officially inaugurated on March 26, 2006.

Aims and Objectives

    • To Establish a Firm Friendship between Taiwan and Bangladesh.

    • To Apprise RTI, all over Bangladesh and Patronize to increase RTI listeners universally.

    • Patronize to establish a firm friendship between RTI and RTI Fans of Bangladesh.

    • To synthesize the RTI Fan Club’s of Bangladesh and to build a unique platform of RTI Fans Clubs.

    • To Assist RTI in all-pervading :

      • Help to operate a Post Box in Bangladesh.

      • To arrange Listeners Meet at least a year.

      • Monitoring RTI Frequencies and suggest the better if necessary.

      • Distributing program guide and the latest schedule with other information


TEAM RTI English

Radio Taiwan Int. Location


Coordinator RTI English
(Since 01 January 2023)